The following is my advice to friend nearing retirement from the federal government who got wind that the government may snap the retirement carrot away from him just as he's ready to walk out the door. I didn't mean to stress him further!
Dave - I expect that you'll be alright. I think that even if changes to federal retirement plans are implemented - the likely scenario would be to apply changes to newer employees who don't have as much vested in the system. In other words - those with say 20 years or more of service will be grandfathered under the existing rules. At least that would be my GUESS because it really depends on the severity of the coming economic disaster. These initiatives have been offered by the Republicans - who are the minority party - so it is easy POLITICALLY to make grand statements about fiscal conservatism that play well in Peoria. Of course - neither party has the much interest in ACTUALLY doing anything to reign in spending - because they want the voters to believe we can continue to kick the can of ever increasing, and massive, federal deficits down the road indefinitely. They expand the goodie pool for today's voters, thus helping assure their reelection, on the backs of tomorrow's voter who is no threat to their position. Unfortunately, Republicans talk a good game as they advocate for fiscal responsibility but when faced with an electorate who expects ever more 'free stuff' from government then their principles tend to fly out the window. Trouble is, the Democrats are even worse, so that leaves us with no good options. However, despite being fiscally reckless, rife with corruption, and utterly amoral, I expect government will honor their retirement promise to us as long as China is willing to fund our deficits. So rest easy. :)
Here is the notification my friend received that caused his initial angst:
Federal Workers: Act Now Against Recent Threats To Your Retirement Benefits "High 5" Proposal; Age 62 Minimum
Dear Federal Worker:
A plan floated by House Republican leaders on June 4 to cut the federal budget $375 billion over five years would reduce the retirement annuities of federal workers and would require them to work longer to receive their full earned annuity.
The proposals set forth in a policy agenda released by Minority Leader John Boehner, R-OH, and Minority Whip Eric Cantor, R-VA, recommend that the federal civilian annuity calculation be based on the highest five years of salary instead of the highest three years.
In addition, the Boehner/Cantor paper recommends that federal civilian employees not be afforded their earned annuity until they reach age 62, under any circumstance. Currently, employees can retire at age 55 if they have 30 or more years of service or at age 60 if they have 20 or more years of service. Federal public safety employees are required to retire by age 57 and air traffic controllers must retire by age 56.
The 320,000 members of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) value your public service. Indeed, we exist to ensure that government honors its promises to you. Help us fight to preserve your earned retirement and health benefits by taking a few minutes to urge your lawmakers to oppose the Boehner/Cantor proposals.
Margaret L. Baptiste
NARFE President
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
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it's complicated all about annuities...